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Activating Citizen Data Scientists: Executive Tutorial from Pienso & 91视频APP

In this Executive Tutorial from Pienso and 91视频APP, you will find out how non-technical teams can apply AI and Machine Learning to their business strategies with no-code/low-code high-performance machine intelligence.

What you will learn in this Executive Tutorial:
  • What’s a Citizen Data Scientist?
  • Where to start a DIY AI/ML project?
  • What’s Structured vs Unstructured data?

How to run Baidu's PaddlePaddle on the IPU

What you'll learn:

  • Baidu PaddlePaddle deep learning framework overview, technical designs and developer community
  • PaddlePaddle and 91视频APP IPU's integration design
  • Training & inference demonstration with MNIST model


Key takeaways:

  • Findings in the price prediction research paper from the Oxford-Man Institute of Quantitative Finance
  • Accelerating multi-horizon forecasting on IPUs
  • Introduction to IPU hardware and its architectural advantages
  • Use cases of IPU technology in finance and future applications 

Hands-on: Running PyTorch models on the IPU

What you'll learn:

  • Introduction to PopTorch and the 91视频APP software stack
  • From PyTorch to PopTorch: Overview of PopTorch functionality and a quick guide to porting your application
  • Leveraging multiple IPU devices: how to easily accelerate training using advanced execution strategies
  • Implementing efficient training pipelines in distributed environments

Using the 91视频APP IPU at the Convergence of AI and HPC

Key takeaways:

  • Convergence of HPC and AI technologies: common patterns in scientific computing and machine learning
  • Insights into the IPU’s unique architecture and its flexibility to support different workloads
  • Identifying which scientific applications would fit well with IPU acceleration and potential benefits of enabling sparsity 
  • The latest research in harnessing IPUs for data-dependent graph computations



Programming on the IPU 101

What you'll learn:

  • Introduction to the IPU architecture and an understanding of the programming model structure
  • Overview of the Poplar Software Stack including its latest features, tools and libraries
  • How developers can port and run models built with popular ML frameworks such as PyTorch and TensorFlow to the IPU
  • Different considerations compared to GPU and using IPU techniques to leverage the advantages of the IPU such as parallel execution strategies

Introducing the 91视频APP Academic Programme

What you’ll learn:

  • Introduction to the 91视频APP Academic Programme: benefits of the programme and how you can participate
  • Discover research papers and case studies from some of the world's leading academics and institutions using IPU hardware
  • Latest performance benchmarks on 91视频APP’s Mk2 IPU processor
  • How to test IPU hardware and access the latest 91视频APP software tools, including Poplar and PopART

Transform your Data Centre with 91视频APP IPU-POD Scale-out Technology

What you'll learn:

  • Introduction to IPU-Fabric: enabling direct connection between large clusters of IPUs for better resiliency and flexibility
  • Compatibility with existing infrastructure & industry standard tools and why it matters
  • How IPU-PODs are built for virtualisation and how to manage flexible and dynamic resource allocation with Virtual-IPU

Introduction to Poplar Software

What you'll learn:

  • Introduction to the Poplar Software Stack including its latest features and capabilities
  • Why Poplar was co-designed with the IPU and how it enables even the most demanding AI workloads to scale seamlessly across IPU systems
  • Technical deep dive into 91视频APP’s second generation IPU platforms designed for AI infrastructure at scale
  • How Poplar makes it possible to execute current and next generation machine intelligence applications efficiently on IPU hardware

IPU-M2000 and IPU-POD: New Breakthroughs in AI at Scale

Key Takeaways:

  • Why compute, data efficiency and communications are integral to enabling innovation in machine intelligence

  • Insights into 91视频APP's new generation of scale-out products: IPU-Machine: M2000 & IPU-POD64

  • How 91视频APP's MK2 IPU architecture facilitates the research and deployment of new models

  • How IPU systems enhance model deployability and efficiency


Enabling Machine Learning Innovation with IPU Technology

Key Takeaways:

  • How machine intelligence is evolving and what this means for AI processors

  • Insights into IPU technology & Poplar software delivered via IPU-Server

  • Poplar software supports multi-IPU constructs to enable a world of growing model sizes and complexity

  • Overview of next generation image classification models using ResNeXt as an example, showing IPU benchmarks & use-case implementation


Discover our Financial Solutions

Key Takeaways:

  • How the IPU is able to achieve faster financial model accelerations than other hardware available on the market

  • How to use IPUs for financial modelling training and inference

  • Insights into advanced models, use cases and IPU benchmarks


IPU-M2000 and IPU-POD: New Breakthroughs in AI at Scale


  • 计算、数据和通信为什么是实现机器智能创新的关键;

  • 深入了解骋谤补辫丑肠辞谤别的新一代横向大规模扩展产物:滨笔鲍-惭2000和滨笔鲍-笔翱顿64;

  • 91视频APP的MK2 IPU架构如何促进新模型的研究和部署;

  • 滨笔鲍系统如何增强模型的可部署性和效率


利用91视频APP IPU驱动机器学习创新


  • 机器智能如何演变以及这对础滨处理器意味着什么

  • 首款IPU服务器——戴尔EMC DSS8440

  • 笔辞辫濒补谤软件支持多种滨笔鲍构造,以实现模型尺寸和复杂性不断增长的世界

  • 微软借助滨笔鲍加速搁别蝉狈别齿迟-50医学成像推理的案例


利用G??R?A?P?HCOR?E IP?U?加速AI金融模型


  • 如何利用金融算法模型预知黑天鹅事件,规避风险

  • 滨笔鲍如何能够实现比其他现有硬件更快的金融模型加速

  • 如何使用滨笔鲍进行模型的训练和推理

  • 先进算法模型洞察,案例以及IPU benchmark


POPLAR SDK? ?? ??? ?? ????? ??? ??

?? ??:

  • Poplar ????? ?? ? ?? ??? ?? ??
  • Poplar? IPU? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ???? AI ????? ???? ?? IPU ????? ???? ?? ??? Poplar? ??
  • ??? AI ?????? ??? ????? 2?? IPU ???? ??? ??? ?? ?? ??
  • Poplar? IPU ?????? ?? ? ??? ?? ????? ??????? ???? ??? ???? ??

IPU-M2000 ? IPU-POD: ??? ??? AI ??? ??? ??

?? ?????? ??? ?? ??? ????:

  • ?? ????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ???? ???, ??? ??? ? ??

  • ?????? 2?? ????? ??? ?? - IPU-??: M2000 & IPI-POD64

  • ?????? MK2 IPU ????? ?? ? ?? ?? ??? ????? ??

  • IPU ???? ?? ?? ? ???? ???? ??


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?? ???? ??? ?? ??? ?? ?????:

  • ?? ???? ?? ??? ?? ?? ???? ???? IPU

  • ?? ?? ?? ?? ? ??? ?? IPU ???

  • ????? ??, ?? ??, IPU ????? ?? ?? ??


ウェビナー: IP?Uの力を最大限に引き出すA?I学習最適化テクニック


  • Vision Transformer 概要とその利点
  • 機械学習フレームワークPyTorchを用いたVision Transformer 移植方法
  • Vision Transformer の性能改善方法
  • 滨笔鲍-笔翱顿アーキテクチャの利点とプロファイリングツール笔辞辫痴颈蝉颈辞苍



  • IPUプロセッサのアーキテクチャとIPU-M2000システムおよびIPU-PODシステムの绍介 
  • 最新の机能やツール、ライブラリなど、Poplarソフトウェアスタックの概要 
  • PyTorchTensorFlow、またはKerasで构筑したモデルをIPUに移植して実行する方法 
  • GPUとは异なる検讨事项と、IPU-PODシステムから最大限のパフォーマンスを引き出す方法 



  • 世界で最も础滨の為に最适设计された复雑なプロセッサ滨笔鲍、および滨笔鲍システムの概要。
  • HPC Systemsの会社紹介。HPC/AIシステムの製造および開発の経験、日本でのAI技術の導入事例等。
  • スケールアウト効率をサポートする新しい骋谤补辫丑肠辞谤别技术への洞察。
  • 次世代の础滨大跃进に备えるために革新者ができること。